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Members of St. Lucia Amateur Swimming Association Select a New Executive

Members of St. Lucia Amateur Swimming Association Select a New Executive

Members of St. Lucia Amateur Swimming Association Select a New Executive

St. Lucia Amateur Swimming Association held an Extraordinary General Meeting May 29th, 2017. Present was The Past Executive Members, Fina Representative Errol Clark, St. Lucia Olympic Representatives Alfred Emmanuel and David Christopher and a quorum of approximately 104 voting members.
Outgoing president Carol Mangal, who now serves as Immediate Past President, addressed the membership and gave a basic overview of the associations accomplishments during her tenure.
The Treasurer gave a synopsis of the financials which was adopted and seconded by the membership.
After much deliberation, a new executive was voted in to represent the Swimming Association for the next two years.
Eddie Hazell, a swim dad for over 6 years, an active member in Lightning Aquatics, and over 12 years of board and council representation was voted in and will now serve as the associations’ President. Hazel has expressed his delight and eagerness to steer the enhancement of swimming in a new direction, and make a meaningful contribution. He indicated his mandate will be to focus on structure, involvement and facility whilst working on the growth of all the Associations swimmers.
Paula James will serve as the Vice President Administration. Paula served as president of SLASA in 1999 to 2004 and the OECS Congress for 3 years.
The other executive members include
Constance Renee – Secretary General
David Peterkin – Vice President Technical
Juliana Destang – Treasurer
Tessa Charles Louis – Fund Raising
Sue Monplaisir – Public Relations Officer
The post for Aquatic Development remains open. As per the current constitution the new executive will be left to appoint an appropriate candidate for the position.