RHAC Invitational Summons 2018




April 5th – 9th, 2018


The Rodney Heights Aquatic Centre in St. Lucia West Indies extends to you a cordial invitation to attend our 19TH INTERNATIONAL CLUB INVITATIONAL MEET to be held in St. Lucia from Thursday, April 5th to Sunday, April 8th for Swimming and Monday April 9th for our Second Open Water Competition, 2018. Sanctioned by the St. Lucia Amateur Swimming Association in accordance with FINA Rules.

Course:  8-lane 25 meter pool with Colorado Electronic Timing.  Hy-Tek Software.

False Start FINA rule “SW 4.4” will be in effect:  NO FALSE STARTS



Use of audio or visual recording devices, including a cell phone, is not permitted in changing areas, rest rooms or locker rooms. NO recording equipment will be used as part of a protest to any call by the officials.

Age Groups: Individual Events     6 – Under, 7 – 8, 9 – 10, 11 – 12, 13 – 14, 15 & Over

Relays                     10 & Under, 11 – 14, 15 – Over

The age of the swimmer on December 31, 2017 will determine the age group that the swimmer is eligible to swim.

Qualifications: Competitors must be amateurs as defined by FINA and registered swimmers with the Federation of the country sanctioning their participation. All local swimmers must be registered by SLAS



Thursday, April 5, 2018                      Arrival of Teams

Technical Meeting                       3:00 PM

Session 1 Warm-Up                     4:00 – 5:20 PM

Session 1 Championships           5:30 PM Start

Friday, April 6, 2018                          Session 2 Warm-Up                     7:00 AM – 8:30 AM

Session 2 Championships            8:45 AM Start


Friday, April 6, 2018                          Session 3 Warm-Up                     4:00 PM – 5:30 PM

Opening Ceremony                      5:40 PM – 6:00 PM

Session 3 Championships            6:00 PM Start


Saturday, April 7, 2018                      Session 4 Warm-Up                     7:00 AM – 8:30 AM

Session 4 Championships            8:45 AM Start


Saturday, April 7, 2018                      Session 5 Warm-Up                     4:00 PM – 5:30 PM

Session 5 Championships           5:45 PM Start


Sunday, April 8, 2018                        Session 6 Warm-Up                     7:00 AM – 8:30 AM

Session 6 Championships            8:45 AM Start

Sprint Challenge Immediately following Event 164


Closing Awards Ceremony 30 min following finish of meet

***NOTE: Meet Director will determine if sessions start times will be adjusted or if any age groups need to be moved to a different session based on the number of entries received.  Entry deadline : Friday, March 16th.  A time line will be established and forwarded to each team by Friday, March 23th.

Monday, April 9, 2018                        Open Water Swim                      6:30 AM registration

St. Lucia Yacth Club

Rodney Bay                               7:30 AM Start

Registration and Entries

All Entries must be made in Hy-Tek Meet Manager format electronically.  They must arrive by Friday, March 16th 2017.  (The required Hy-Tek format AND the Excel PDF sheet must be  sent to dsw.slu@gmail.com .  Entries not submitted in Meet Manager or Team Manager format will not be accepted and will be returned.  The Meet Director will not be held responsible if there is no time to properly resubmit the entry. NO LATE ENTRIES WILL BE ACCEPTED. Please place in the subject heading in your email “RHAC INVITE ENTRIES” with the club name.  All Checks should be made payable to RHAC.


Entries should be returned to the following address:

Rodney Heights Aquatic Centre

Meet Director:  Dr. Diane S. Worrell

e-mail:  dsw.slu@gmail.com

Phone: (758) 450-7946   or (758) 519-4226 cell


  1. There is NO limit to the number of swimmers which your club can enter in an individual

event, however, only the two fastest swimmers will score team points. There shall be

neither substitutes nor alternatives in individual events.

  1. There is no limit to the number of Relay Teams a Club can enter in an event,

however, only one relay team will score points.

  1. There is 3 Event restriction on the number of events in which an individual competitor

may participate IN ANY SESSION but no more than 10 events per competitor for the entire

meet.  A swimmer may swim exhibition for additional events only if space exists in a heat.

Meet Fees Apply.

  1. Heats will be announced and all swimmers missing their respective heat will not be

allowed to take part in that event.

  1. Where an event is not available in an event in a specific age group, Swim Ups will only

be allowed if space is available in a heat in that event.  No new heats will be created for

swim-ups. All swim ups will be exhibition only. Meet fees apply.

  1. Timed Trials are not available. NO DECK ENTRIES ALLOWED UNLESS they will fill the first

heat of an event.

  1. The fees are as follows:

(i)   US$ 30.00  – Team Fees

(ii)  US$ 2.50  – per swimmer event, no entry limit

(iii) US$ 10.00 – per entry for Relay Team

(iv) US$ 5.00   – per late/exhibition/deck entry after Entry Deadline.  Entries   will

only be allowed in heats with open lanes in an already seeded event.

(v)  US$ 5.00  – Penalty fee for swimmers who fail to scratch, or fail to

swim. This penalty must be paid before the swimmer is permitted to swim

further this Meet.

(vi) US $40  –  admin fee for team entries not submitted in Hy-tek format


NB: If the entry fees are not paid before the start of the competition, a penalty equal to

15% of the entry fees will be added.

  1. Swimmers competing in relay events must be registered in the meet and swim at least One (1)

individual event.

  1. Relay cards are in duplicate, the original must be handed in to the Computer Room

thirty (30) minutes before the start of the first event of the Session; the copy must be

handed to the Head Lane Time keeper at the beginning of the event.

Any change must be made no later than four (4) events prior to the scheduled event

number; after that, only on the presentation of a valid medical certificate. The swimmers

must be named in order of swimming in accordance with FINA rules.

11.There will be positive check in forty five (45) minutes before start of each session for all

events 400m and above. Positive check in will be by signature and any swimmer NOT signed in

will be scratched from the event. Once a swimmer has been scratched, they will be allowed to swim

ONLY if the event has empty lanes(s) available in the SLOWEST HEAT on a first come basis.

Additional heats will not be added.

  1. Participating Clubs are responsible for providing a counter for the 800 metre and 1500

metre events. Clubs are required to submit, at least one week before the start of the meet,

a list of volunteers to act as Technical Officials and to perform other duties essential to the smooth

running of the competition. Clubs must submit the names of volunteers to the RHAC Office at least

one week before the start of the competition. Volunteers MUST report to the

volunteer desk at least 35 minutes before the start of the competition for registration and

assignment. Clubs are expected to provide the following number of volunteers

(non-compliant clubs will be excluded from participation):

  • 1 – 10 swimmers entered: One (1) volunteer per session
  • 11 – 20 swimmers entered: Four (4) volunteers per session
  • 21 – 40 swimmers entered: Five (6) volunteers per session
  • 41 or more swimmers entered: Eight (8) volunteers per session
  • Unattached swimmers: One (1) volunteer for one (1) session
  1. In granting this sanction it is understood and agreed that SLASA (St. Lucia Amateur Swimming Association), RHAC and all other persons or entities in any way connected with sponsoring or holding this swim meet, shall be free from any liabilities, claims, demands, action, causes of action, losses, damages or expenses, of whatever kind of character, for damages arising out of or in connection with any injury to any person or any property damage during the conduct of the event. RHAC is not responsible for lost items. By sending entries to this meet your club agrees with this release and hold harmless agreement.
  2. Coaches must be registered with their respective federations. Coaches are responsible for the conduct of their athletes and families and friends, as well as maintaining clean team areas during and following each session.  Only athletes, coaches and officials working the session are allowed on the deck.
  3. As per FINA Rules, No Taping of swimmers will be allowed unless a letter from a Medical Doctor is submitted prior to the start of the technical meeting. This must be on approval of the Meet Referee.



  1. Medals will be awarded to the first three (3) places in each individual event. Ribbons will be

awarded for 4th to 8th place.

  1. Trophies will be awarded to the swimmer in each group, male and female, with the

highest number of points. Medals will be awarded to the swimmers with the 2nd and

3rd place points in each age group. Please note that there are no ties for the

    age-group high-point awards.  In the event of more than one swimmer amassing

    the same number of points at the end of the meet, the swimmer with the higher

    number of individual victories will be given the award.  Should there be an equal

    number of victories, the number of second place finishes, third place etc. shall be

    the determining factor.

  1. Trophies will be awarded to the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd placed Teams in the competition.
  2. Scoring shall be as follows:

Individual Events       9, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1             Relays Double Points

  1. Starts will be over the top wherever possible.
  2. RELAYS WILL BE AWARDED MEDALS for 1st to 3rd place ONLY.


  1. The top 8 swimmers in 8 & Under, 9 – 12  & 13 & Over Age Groups Male and Female 50 freestyle

events will be invited to take part in the Sprint Challenge.  Round one will be a

50 Meter Sprint.


Four swimmers will be eliminated and the Final Four will go to Round Two which is a 25

Meter Dash.  The top one swimmer in each age group (8 & under, 10 – 12, and 13 & over) will win in

each age group. If either of the top 8 invite  swimmers does  not swim the next top time will be

invited to participate in the Challenge  ensuring 8 swimmers take part.



Sprint Challenge Winners will receive a special prize.

Technical Meeting:  A short briefing will take place in the Officials Room for all coaches and team officials prior to the start of session 1 on Thursday, April 5th  at 3 pm.  All changes to the scheduled events for swimmers should have been done at the time confirmation of your entries were sent by return email.  This is not a scratch meeting.

Protests: The designated team representative must file a signed protest to a referee decision with the meet referee within 30 minutes of the posted results of the event.  The cost of the protest will be $25 USD.  The protest will go to the protest committee that will be named prior to the meet start.  If the protest is upheld the fee will be returned to the team official.

Programme: ALL EVENTS ARE TIMED FINALS.  Note:  For a seed time the FINA rule needs to be observed, it is a BEST OFFICIAL TIME ACHIEVED IN A LAST 12 MONTHS not a time you hope to achieve.  Only if you have no seed time should you enter NT. The Meet Referee may call an intermission if he/she deems it necessary to do so.

The pool will be open each session 90 minutes prior to the meet for warm-up.  The Meet Director will decide the lanes for warmup and times before the start of the competition and this will be posted for each club in advance.  (Some adjustment may be made based on the number of Team Entries, TBA)

Gate Entry Fees: The entry fee for spectators will be $10 EC per session for Adults and $5 EC for Children Under 10.  The season pass will be $50 EC which includes all sessions.  Please make note of how many passes your team requires prior to your arrival and the passes will be made available on arrival.  These passes will only be available during Sessions One and Two.

Heat Sheets:  The Heat Sheets will be available for EC $10 per session.

Refreshments: Food and drinks will be available on the premises throughout the meet.

Group meal rates will be available each day and orders must be placed by 9:30 am each

morning to be picked up during the lunch hours.


Coolers are not allowed in the Aquatic Centre.  There is no food or drink (except water and sports drink) allowed in the pool area.  Glass containers of any type are not to be anywhere in the Aquatic Centre.  Please clean up after yourself.  No smoking is permitted in the facility. No loud noise makers will be allowed.  Flash cameras are not permitted during starts.  Spectators are asked to be silent for the starts.



April 5th – 9th, 2018


           (All Events are Timed Finals)            



   2018 RHAC 19th INVITATIONAL  
Event No. Event Age Group
  Thursday 5:30 p.m. START  
1 – 2 100 M Individual Medley 8 – Under
3 – 4 400 M Individual Medley 9 – 10
5 – 6 400 M Individual Medley 11 – 12
7 – 8 200 M Individual Medley 13 – 14
9 – 10 200 M Individual Medley 15 – Over
11 – 12 200 M Freestyle 9 – 10
13 – 14 1500 M Freestyle 11 & Over
  1500 QT is 30:00.00 Must Submit Proof of Time  
  Friday 8:45 a.m. START  
15 – 16 25 M Butterfly 8 & Under
17 – 18 100 M Butterfly 9 – 10
19 – 20 100 M Butterfly 11 – 12
21 – 22 100 M Butterfly 13 – 14
23 – 24 100 M Butterfly 15 & Over
25 – 26 50 M Freestyle 8 & Under
27 – 28 50 M Freestyle 9 – 10
29 – 30 50 M Freestyle 11 – 12
31 – 32 50 M Freestyle 13 – 14
33 – 34 50 M Freestyle 15 & Over
35 – 36 50 M Breaststroke 8 – Under
37 – 38 200 M Breaststroke 9 – 10
39 – 40 200 M Breaststroke 11 – 12
41 – 42 200 M Breaststroke 13 – 14
43 – 44 200 M Breaststroke 15 & Over
  Friday 6:00 p.m. START  
  Opening Ceremony 5:30 p.m.  
45 – 46 25 M Backstroke 8 & Under
47 – 48 100 M Backstroke 9 – 10
49 – 50 100 M Backstroke 11 – 12
51 – 52 100 M Backstroke 13 – 14
53 – 54 100 M Backstroke 15 – Over
55 – 56 100 M Freestyle 8 & Under
57 – 58 400 M Freestyle 9 – 10
59 – 60 400 M Freestyle 11 – 12
61 – 62 400 M Freestyle 13 – 14
63 – 64 400 M Freestyle 15 – Over
65 – 66 200 M Medley Relay 8 &Under
67 – 68 200 M Medley Relay 9 – 12
69 – 70 200 M Medley Relay 13 & Over
  Saturday 8:30 a.m. START  
71 – 72 100 M Butterfly 7 – 8
73 – 74 200 M Butterfly 9 – 10
75 – 76 200 M Butterfly 11 – 12
77 – 78 200 M Butterfly 13 – 14
79 – 80 200 M Butterfly 15 & Over
81 – 82 200 M Freestyle 8 & Under
83 – 84 100 M Freestyle 9 – 10
85 – 86 100 M Freestyle 11 – 12
87 – 88 100 M Freestyle 13 – 14
89 – 90 100 M Freestyle 15 & Over
91 – 92 50 M Backstroke 8 & Under
93 – 94 200 M Backstroke 9 – 10
95 – 96 200 M Backstroke 11 – 12
97 – 98 200 M Backstroke 13 – 14
99 – 100 200 M Backstroke 15 & Over
  Saturday 5:45 p.m. START  
101 – 102 25 M Breaststroke 8 & Under
103 – 104 50 M Breaststroke 9 – 10
105 – 106 50 M Breaststroke 11 – 12
107 – 108 50 M Breaststroke 13 – 14
109 – 110 50 M Breaststroke 15 & Over
111 – 112 100 M Breaststroke 8 & Under
113 – 114 800 M Freestyle 9 & Over
  800 Free QT 16:00:00 Must Submit Proof  
115 – 116 200 Individual Medley 7 – 8
117 – 118 200 Individual Medley 9 – 10
119 – 120 200 Individual Medley 11 – 12
121 – 122 400 Individual Medley 13 – 14
123 – 124 400 Individual Medley 15 – Over
125 – 126 200 M Freestyle Relay 8 & Under
127 – 128 200 M Freestyle Relay 9 – 12
129 – 130 200 M Freestyle Relay 13 & Over
  Sunday 8:45 a.m. Start  
131 – 132 50 M Butterfly 8 – Under
133 – 134 50 M Butterfly 9 – 10
135 – 136 50 M Butterfly 11 – 12
137 – 138 50 M Butterfly 13 – 14
139 – 140 50 M Butterfly 15 – Over
141 – 142

143 – 144

25 M Freestyle

200 M Freestyle

8 – Under

11 – 12

145 – 146 200 M Freestyle 13 – 14
147 – 148 200 M Freestyle 15 – Over
149 – 150 50 M Backstroke 9 – 10
151 – 152 50 M Backstroke 11 – 12
153 – 154 50 M Backstroke 13 – 14
155 – 156 50 M Backstroke 15 – Over
157 – 158 100 M Breaststroke 9 – 10
159 – 160 100 M Breaststroke 11 – 12
161 – 162 100 M Breaststroke 13 – 14
163 – 164 100 M Breaststroke 15 – Over
Entries based on 50 Free (25 – 34) SPRINT CHALLENGE Coaches Do Not Submit Entries
  Top 8 in Each Group Based on Events 25 – 34  
165 – 166 50 M Freestyle 8 & Under
167 – 168 50 M Freestyle 9 – 12
169 – 170 50 M Freestyle 13 & Over
  Top 4 in Each Group Based on Events 169 – 174  
171 – 172 25 M Freestyle 8 & Under
173 – 174 25 M Freestyle 9 – 12
175 – 176 25 M Freestyle 13 & Over





500M | 1K | 3K | 5K

Monday, 9th April, 2018

following the 18th RHAC Invitational Swim Meet 

6:30 AM Registration

7:30 AM Start


Reduit Beach Outside the St. Lucia Yatch Club

Rodney Bay

St. Lucia

The Rodney Heights Aquatic Centre invites you to come and experience its 2nd Open Water Swim Championships and swim with the finest swimmers from our region.

More Details to Follow.  This event will be held in Conjunction with the Saint Lucia Amateur Swimming Association.