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St.Lucia Swim Team Places 2nd at the 27th OECS Swim Championship

St.Lucia Swim Team Places 2nd at the 27th OECS Swim Championship

Press Release

November 13th 2017

St. Lucia Swim Team Places 2nd at the 27th OECS Swim Championship

The Rodney Heights Aquatic Center came alive this past weekend November 10th to 12th .

Present at the opening ceremony was Honorable Edmund Estephane Minister of Youth Development and Sport, Permanent Secretary Donovan Williams, OECS Representative Yoshabel Durand and Secretary General of St. Lucia Olympic Committee Alfred Emmanuel.

With 122 events in three days of intense competition, under the watchful eye of Fina Certified Referee Errol Clark, St. Lucia emerged 2nd at the end of the 27th OECS Swim Championship.

The rival islands of Grenada, Antigua and St. Vincent were all set to take the trophy home however only one island was able to dominate the combined scores.

The St. Lucia Amateur Swimming Association congratulates team Grenada on their 1st place winning with combined scores 1360 points. St. Lucia 34 member team swam fiercely but still falling short of 16 points coming in 2nd place with combined scores of 1344. Antigua Barbuda National Team in 3rd place mustered a total of 1240.50 points with St. Vincent placing 4th with 807.50 points.

Top individual performances from St. Lucian Swimmers included the likes of 8 and Under Antoine Destang contributing 63 points to the team scores and breaking a total of six OECS records in the Male 8 and Under 25 meter Freestyle with a time of 14.87, 50 Freestyle with a time of 31.09, 100 meter freestyle with a time of 17.75, 25 meter back with a time of 17.75, 25 meter Fly with a time of 15.26 and 100 meter IM with a time of 1:22.07. Destang also broke two age group records in 50 Meter Free and 25 Meter Fly.

Niama Hazell made her mark by racking up a total 57 points and breaking the 11-12 Girls Age Group record in 50 meter Freestyle and 50 Breast stroke.

11 – 12 Boys D’Andre Blanchard a top performer placed 66.5 points on the chart.

Jayhan Odlum Smith swam his way to placing a total of 60 points and breaking five 13- 14 age group records.

Playing their part was 15 – 17 Eden Crick scoring 75 points, Mikaela Casimir 69 points and 18 and Over Jonathan Calderon 80 points.

Terrel Monplaisir also made his contribution in breaking two 13- 14 age records.

At the end of day three, the total medal count for Team St. Lucia was 38 Gold, 32 Silver and 28 Bronze medals.

The St. Lucia Amateur Swimming is grateful to have been the host of this year championship and looks forward to building an even stronger team in 2018 for the 28th OECS Swim Championship slated to be held in Antigua.

President Eddie Hazel has shared his appreciation to all who made the meet a success to include it’s Team Manager Eldris Mauricette, Head Coach John Mc Lennon and his supporting Coaches, Sponsors, The Media, The Parents and Supporters who gave of their time in assisting in one way or another. Most importantly Hazel salutes the swimmers who represented the Association and Country at giving off an impressive show of competition.

The association now turns its efforts to building and strengthening the sport of Swimming in St. Lucia!